For more information, call us now! 941-378-2362

Our School

With us at Koala Early Education Center, your children are given access to limitless opportunities in enhancing and honing their development through sustaining a rich learning environment.

happy children portraitSafety:
Cameras in all the classroom, monitor by the directors at all time

Electronic Sign in and out of your child

Our school policies require that student wear uniforms. This requirement helps reinforce a safe and orderly learning environment, and also promotes a sense of belonging since no student is confronted with unnecessary competition to see who dresses better. Dressing with a uniform increases school safety when making a quick monitoring, therefore revealing who is a student who is not. Uniform shirt and dresses are available for sale at our main office.

Child Care Food Program:
The goal of the Child Care Food Program is to ensure that children under 13 years of age in day care and/or after-school programs receive healthy, well-balanced food every day; thereby, improving their diets and helping them build good eating habits. The CACFP nutrition standards for meals and snacks served in the CACFP are based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Under these standards, meals and snacks are served including a greater variety of vegetables and fruit, more whole grains, and less added sugar and saturated fat. In addition, the standards encourage breastfeeding and better align the CACFP with the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and with other Child Nutrition Programs.


  • Family link: communication through email, Facebook
  • Class Dojo: Class Dojo is a classroom communication app used to share reports between parents and teachers.


We have an automatic tuition payment. We also take scholarships from School Readiness and VPK.
We have a different source of payments

  • School Readiness
  • VPK Certificate
  • Credit Card
  • Money Order

Quality Improvement System

  • Look for the Start: The Look for the Stars Quality Improvement System is a tool for parents with children ages 0 to 5 to identify early child care and education programs that offer quality programming and to help guide the decision-making process. Our School is currently a 4.8 / 5
  • Performance Funding Pilot : Currently a Tier 4 program
  • Classroom Assessment Scoring System
    CLASS is an observational instrument that is used to reliably assess classroom quality for research and program evaluation and provides a tool to help new and experienced teachers become more effective
    Score 6.7/7

Membership Associations

  • SECA